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Publications: Welcome
Ortega-Ariza, D., Franseen, E.K., and Boudagher-Fadel, M.K, 2021, Effects of Sea Level and Upwelling on Development of a Miocene Shallow-Water Tropical Carbonate Ramp System, Ponce, Puerto Rico: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v.91, p. 1227-1256.
Ortega-Ariza, D., Franseen, E.K., Santos-Mercado, H., Ramirez-Martinez, W., and Core-Suárez, E., 2015, Strontium-isotope Stratigraphy for Oligocene-Miocene Carbonate Systems in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic: Implications for Caribbean Processes Affecting Depositional History, Journal of Geology, v.123, p. 539-560.
Ortega-Ariza, D., Santos-Mercado, H., Franseen, E.K., and Ramirez-Martinez, W., 2013, Las Calizas de la Costa Norte de Puerto Rico, EspeleoRevista, v.9, Puerto Rico, p. 6-12.
Ortega-Ariza, D. and Franseen, E.K., 2021, Distribution Patterns of Low-Latitude, Shallow-Water Heterozoan and Photozoan Facies during Mississippian (Osagean-Meramecian) in the Continental US: in Midcontinent Carbonate Research Symposium Extended Abstracts, Kansas Geological Survey Technical Series 24, p. 38-41.
Ortega-Ariza, D. and Franseen, E.K., 2016, Effects of Sea Level and Upwelling on Development of a Miocene Shallow-Water Tropical Carbonate Ramp System, Ponce, Puerto Rico, USA: Abstract Book, Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomite, Talk, Selva di Val Gardena (Italy), October 4-7, p. 113-114.
Ortega-Ariza, D. and Franseen, E.K., 2015, Regional Upwelling as a Major Control in Development of a Miocene Heterozoan-dominated Carbonate System in a Tropical Setting, Puerto Rico, Extended Abstract. in: AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Abstracts with Programs, Talk, Denver, CO, Search and Discovery Article #51151, 24 p.
Franseen, E.K., and Ortega-Ariza, D., 2014, Controls on Mississippian Inner Ramp Heterozoan Carbonate & Biosiliceous Deposits in a Midcontinent Setting: Proceedings of the Houston Geological Society Applied Geoscience Conference “Integrated Approaches to Unconventional Reservoir Assessment and Optimization”, Talk, Houston, TX, February 17-18, p. 45-49.
Torres-Zamora, A., Ortega-Ariza, D., Franseen, E.K., Veloza, G., Caycedo, H., Mora, A., 2022, Controls on Deposition and Reservoir Character of the Miocene Cicuco Field, NW Colombia: A Low-latitude Shallow-water Transitional Carbonate System, Online, AAPG International Conference and Exhibition (ICE), Cartagena, Colombia.
Ortega-Ariza, D. and Franseen, E.K., 2021, Regional Controls on Shallow-water Heterozoan and Photozoan Facies in a Low-latitude Carbonate Setting, Mississippian (Osagean-Merramecian), Continental U.S. and Implications for Reservoir Character: IMAGE SEG/AAPG Meeting.
Torres-Zamora, A., Ortega-Ariza, D., Franseen, E.K., 2021, Controls on Deposition and Reservoir Character of Atypical Shallow-water Tropical Carbonate Systems: Miocene, Cicuco Field, NW Colombia: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)-Houston Geological Society (HGS) Virtual Conference on Latin America.
Torres-Zamora, A., Ortega-Ariza, D., Franseen, E.K., 2021, Controls on Deposition and Reservoir Character of Atypical Shallow-water Tropical Carbonate Systems: Miocene, Cicuco Field, NW Colombia: SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference.
Seckinger, C., and Ortega-Ariza, D., 2019, Porosity and Permeability Trends from Reservoir Analog Miocene (Puerto Rico), Pensylvannian (Kansas), and Mississippian (Alabama) Carbonate Rocks, Abstract. In: GSA Southeastern section, 68th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 51, No. 3, Poster, Charleston, SC.
Caughey, A.L. and Ortega-Ariza, D., 2018, Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional History of Middle-Mississippian Carbonates of the Southern Appalachians, Tuscumbia, AL, Abstract. In: GSA Southeastern section, 67th Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 50, No. 3, Poster, Knoxville, TN.
Ortega-Ariza, D. and Franseen, E.K., 2017, Effects of Sea Level and Upwelling on Development of a Miocene Shallow-Water Tropical Carbonate Ramp System, Ponce, Puerto Rico: Sequence Stratigraphy: 36th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Perkins-Rosen Research Conference - The Future Defined, December 4-5, 2017, Houston, Texas, Program and Abstracts, p. 31.
Core, E.E., Ramírez, W.R., Santos, H., Ortega-Ariza, D., and Franseen, E.K., 2016, Miocene- Pliocene Heterozoan-Dominated Systems in the Dominican Republic: Analogs for Neogene Reservoirs in the Caribbean, Abstract. AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90259, In: AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Poster, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Ortega-Ariza, D. and Franseen, E.K., 2013, Evaluating Controls on Miocene Carbonate-Dominated Sequences in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, Abstract. In: Southeastern Section- GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Poster, San Juan, PR, Vol. 45, No. 2, p. 11.
Ortega-Ariza, D. and Franseen, E.K., 2012, Sequence Development of the Late Miocene Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Cercado Formation, NW Dominican Republic, Abstract. In: AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Abstracts with Programs, Poster, Long Beach, CA, Search and Discovery Article #90142.
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