Dr. Diana Ortega-Ariza
I am an Assistant Scientist in the Energy Research Program at the Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas.
My research focuses on outcrop and subsurface studies in sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of carbonate and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems. Integrating tools and methods such geophysical (core, well log, seismic), paleontological, petrographic, and geochemical data to understand global, regional, and local controls on depositional environment, sequence stratigraphy, and reservoir character. I have ample experience working on Caribbean Oligocene-Pliocene and U.S. Midcontinent Paleozoic carbonate systems.
Office: Parker Hall 209
email: dianalo@ku.edu

Dr. Evan K. Franseen
Evan Franseen is a Professor in the Department of Geology and a Senior Scientific Fellow at the Kansas Geologic Survey. He is also a co-director of the Kansas Interdisciplinary Carbonates Consortium (KICC), a research partnership with petroleum industry sponsors.
Evan’s research interests are primarily in sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and diagenesis of carbonate and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems. His research emphasizes integrative and multi-disciplinary approaches addressing fundamental controls on deposition, sequence architecture, and reservoir character of conventional and unconventional carbonate systems. He has worked on carbonate rocks throughout the rock record, with emphasis on Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, Permian, Carboniferous, and Cambro-Ordovician systems.
Office: Parker Hall 110
email: evanf@ku.edu

Dr. Belkasim Khameiss
Belkasim's research focuses primarily on the biostratigraphy and paleoecology of Paleogene coralgal, foralgal reefs and their relationship to sequence stratigraphy. He has conducted most of his research in the Gulf Coastal Plain, Libya, the Caribbean, and the South Pacific.
He is also interested in evaluating evolutionary processes in the paleo-tropic, specifically biological replacement of one group by another in tropical ecosystems including rates and magnitudes.
Office: Parker Hall 205
email: belkasimkhameiss@ku.edu

Elson Core
Elson is near-finishing his Ph.D. studies at KU. His outcrop-based research primarily investigates controls on deposition, stratigraphic architecture, and reservoir character of Cenozoic heterozoan-photozoan carbonate and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic systems in the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.
Elson's research interests include sedimentology, stratigraphy, and especially sequence stratigraphy of carbonate systems.
Office: Parker Hall 102
email: core@ku.edu

Angela Torres-Zamora
Angela is a second-year M.S. student at KU and a Graduate Research Assistant at the KGS. She is investigating controls on deposition and reservoir character of the Miocene Cicuco Field in NW Colombia. This Field represents a low-latitude shallow-water transitional carbonate system.
Angela's research interests include sedimentology of carbonate systems from subsurface and outcrop data to understand depositional environment, stratigraphy, and controlling factors (e.g., sea-level, paleotopography) on deposition.
Office: Parker Hall 205A2
email: angela.torres@ku.edu

Positions available.
Undergraduate and graduate students and Postdoc positions.